Terms of use

This website is a registration portal for events/hybrid training courses from MISF-Stiftung, operated by targoEvent GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “targoEvent“), represented by Dipl. Kfm. Jürgen Riffel, Dr. Monika Fuchs and Dipl. Ing. Melanie Maurer.

§ 1 Registration

(1) Registration is mandatory to receive the participation dates for participation on site or the link to the webcast, which will be sent to you after registration in the form of an email for confirmation. The data requested during registration must be filled out completely and truthfully. Any changes must be communicated immediately.
(2) The user can revoke the storage of his data. However, participation in the online service is then no longer possible.
(3) In the case of online participation, the participant will receive his/her access data for the virtual seminar room, provided that he/she corresponds to the target group of the event and is authorized to participate. He agrees to keep the user ID confidential and to protect it from abuse by unauthorized third parties.
(4) targoEvent is permitted to cancel participants or reject registrations if there are legitimate reasons for doing so.

§ 2 Data protection

targoEvent takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this privacy policy.

§ 3 Emails

(1) targoEvent sends all important information about participating in the event exclusively by email. Another form of dispatch is not possible. Unsubscribing from the emails mentioned before is only possible with cancellation and deletion of the registration.
(2) targoEvent reserves the right to inform users regularly about new online courses or face-to-face event as well as changes. If you have subscribed to the newsletter and wish to unsubscribe, please send an informal email to info@cataract-circle.com. The cancellation will become effective after 14 days at the latest. Your email address will not be used for further advertising purposes.

§ 4 Recording and photos

In some cases, the event is recorded in order to make it available to interested parties who were unable to attend the seminar. In rare cases, a participant could be visible in the recording during audio or video transmission by mentioning his or her name. It is also possible for photos to be taken of the event and published afterwards in which the participant can be seen. By accepting the terms and conditions, the participant agrees to these terms.

§ 5 Liability

(1) Use of the registration website and access to the webcast is at your own risk.
(2) The information on the registration website has been checked for accuracy. However, no liability can be assumed by targoEvent that the information provided meets the needs of the user. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to methods of treatment as well as to the use regimes of medical products.
(3) Despite the greatest possible care, technical or typographical errors may be contained in the documents published on the website. targoEvent reserves the right to make changes at any time. No liability is assumed.
(4) targoEvent is not liable for the loss of data.
(5) Liability for the content of linked external websites is excluded by targoEvent.

§ 6 Copyrights

(1) All content shown on the website and linked lectures are protected by copyright. The use of film, sound, file and text content etc. is not permitted. Participants are not permitted to make a recording of the webcast or to make an audio file. Unless targoEvent has given its prior written consent. To purchase copyrighted content, please contact targoEvent at info@cataract-circle.com